Personality Profile Report (PPR)

Based on the DISC Model concept developed by William Moulton Marston, it measures essential work-related aspects of an individual, including motivations, strengths, weaknesses, people skills, and sales and management potential.

Emotional Intelligence Assessment (EQA)

This psychometric tool measures a person’s emotional intelligence (EQ) based on the core competencies of self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management.

Job Role Assessment (JRA)

An invaluable tool that assists organizations in identifying the necessary behavior to succeed in a specific role based on your organizational culture. The results are crucial when filling positions during recruitment, promotion, training, or succession, both external and internal.

Desire and Aptitude Indicator (DAI)

This is a tool that can be used as a quick pre-employment screening tool, particularly when recruiting for sales positions or as part of an ongoing training needs analysis.

Learning Ability Indicator (LAI)

This instrument measures an individual’s learning style. It also enables organizations to tailor their training and development program according to their employees’ learning style.

Psychometric Structured Interview (PSI)

This is a set of psychometric questions that allow the interviewer to gain as much insight into the candidate as possible, and determine whether he or she is a suitable fit for the organization.It also gives an indication to their level of Emotional Intelligence.

An Open Invitation to Chief Executives, Managing Directors and HR Professionals

Discover unique insights about you and how you behave in and out of the workplace. Just click the button and fill in the necessary details, and we will contact you when your report is ready. 

Greg Barnes
Chairman, Success Dynamics Alliance